but it's good if you can restrict all the dishes to one dish only.
no sheykh you can't do that.
now we trying to teach my parents.
yeah, it's true. you know,
the sunnah of the prophet (saw)
a lot of the time was one dish.
it was very rare for them to have two dishes
and it was extremely rare for them to have several dishes
the Sunnah of the Prophet Allah(saw) one dish
in fact, sometimes there was no dish. okay..?
they stayed in hunger, come on, let's face it,
and the thing is some, people think oh my god
if I don't have snacks and if I don't have food I'm
gonna die we're not gonna die
the human body has been created to go hungry
I'm serious about this you get used to it
you'll be completely fine
because you know when you go for a number two,
you know number two in the toilet
there's number one on this number two are you guys
you understanding yeah?
when you go for a number two in the toilet you know what that is.
that's everything your body did not need,
that's the excess it's getting rid of
the excess meaning is whatever you ate
it took the nutrition inside is inside
the body and the rest it just got rid of.
which means that if you ate the right amount you'd be giving less
amounts of number twos
you guys understand what I am trying to say..?
the excess would get less.
the sahaba (ra)...
sometimes they left behind them when they're extremely hungry...
the left behind them the same as what a goat would leave behind.
small little like pebble type, okay,
I hope you get the message,
I'm no trying to be too...
I don't want to spoil your appetite for you or dinner tonight.
okay, some people are great...
now the thing is you eat when we eat
if you got one dish in front of you is khalaas it's
enough you eat and you eat enough and
if you have to stay hungry seriously stay hungry
it's a good thing to try and
build the habit of having long hours of hunger
it's very good for the body
it's good for your digestive system is
good to clear off the fat in your intestines.
it's very good for your memory power
if you're more likely to memorize something when you little
a bit more hungry than when you're full,
because when you're full
then there's a lot of liquids that are
going up and they'll be a lot of liquids going to your head and
that will make you a bit more drowsy and you want to be more sleepy
as opposed to being hungry and being alert and awake.
when you're hungry you're more alert and you're more awake.
everyone knows this okay..?