April 21, 2021




let's speak about the reward of praying

what did Rasulullah teach the ummah ?


 about the reward of at-Taraweeh  
that I will share with you 3

the first reward for salatul-Taraweeh 

that it is a reason for all your previous sins to be forgiven

al-ulama (ar)

said this is referring to the minor sins

however, if a person prayed

with the intention of tawbah and

repentance and regretting his past

 and the sins that he has committed

then  no doubt his salat 

will wipe away his major sins
 and his minor sins all of them will be gone

so that's the first reward of salatul Taraweeh

that if it's prayed every single night of Ramadan

a person will be forgiven for all his previous sins

second reward
 that is mentioned 

is that the one who is consistent
 and praise all the nights of Ramadan

if he dies while having prayed all his nights of Ramadan 

such a person if he was to die any time he dies

he becomes raised with the truthful ones
''as-Siddiqi'' like Abu Bakr (RA) 

''wash-shahada'' and he's raised as a martyrs
and this came in the hadith of arm bin Murrah Juhani(ra)

he narrates that a man from a town a man came to Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
and he said to him
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
and you are the messenger of Allah

a man is saying to Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

I prayed my five prayers and I fasted the days of Ramadan
and I prayed the nights of Ramadan 
and I gave the zakat of my wealth

when an- nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) heard this person

in response an-nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said

whoever dies upon this state
while believing in Allah and his messenger

prays his five prayers  fasts Ramadan,
and prays its night and gives zakat

whoever dies in this state ''kaana minas-Siddiqina wash-shuhada''

he is from among the truthful ones like Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman
he's raised among these people 
he's  gathered in their group on the day of judgment
''wash-shuhada'' and he's raised as martyr 
he's among the martyrs ALLAHU AKBAR
don't waste this opportunity be from among those who pray the nights
alongside fasting the days of Ramadan

and the third beautiful reward 

THAT AN-NABI (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

mentioned was about salatul Taraweeh

and this the reward comes actually in a story 

and that is that nabi(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) 
one time during his life came out on the 25th night of Ramadan

 and he led the prayer until he prayed half the night

then Abu Zarr (ra)  he said ya Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

why didn't you just pray the whole night?

nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) prayed half the night

and abu zarr (ra) is saying ya Rasulullah(sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
 why didn't you just pray the whole night?

so Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that if a person

was to pray with the imam, salatul Taraweeh 
was to pray with the imam until the imam leaves
 then Allah would record for that person
as though he prayed the entire night
Allahu Akbar 
what a reward

 you earned the reward of praying the entire night

while you only would have prayed 
an hour half an hour of Taraweeh
 you earn as though the reward

 as though you have prayed the whole night

Alhamdulillah for this blessing 

what is meant by praying with the imam until he leaves

remember because earning the reward of
praying the entire night

you must pray with the imam until he leaves 
what that means is until T the imam makes tasleem

from the last raka of salatul witr 
whether the prayer was long or short doesn't matter

Imam Ahmad (ra) used to pray with the imam 
and he did not leave the masjid
until the imam left the masjid

so until the imam leaves that could mean two things
one until he says
assalamu alaikum
from the last  rake of al-witr 

now it's best to sit down and wait 
for the imam to walk out of the door of the masjid
then walk behind him 
you will earn the reward of praying the entire night

so long as you made Tasleem with him in the last raka' of salatul witr

reading my blog

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