April 12, 2021



 I want to take you back to the beginning

when Allah created the first human being

i want to share with you an awareness

the plan of Iblis himself and his conversation with Allah and his arguments which he put forth...

the challenges he put forth and the double challenge which Allah gave him


why he end it up on earth

and the plan showing us how the plan is continuing today before our eyes 


Iblis first of all was a jinn and he had a position among the ranks of the angels he actually worked among the angels literally

but he wasn't an angel, he was a jinn made of fire the angels are made of light  

Allah tells us:

that the angels are made of the light prophet (PBUH) tells us he had a special rank he was god-fearing he devout he a worshiper,wallahi!! 

and he believed in the oneness of god....

and his might and power and everything and he turned to him, 

he was a righteous servant of God in every meaning of word!!

however, something inside of his heart 

when we say heart we don't mean literally the organ that's pumping blood 

when we say heart in Arabic we mean the mind (something here)

in here, something inside if you change hearts literally, you're not going to change that stays with you (the mind) something in here

Iblis had something in here, something that wasn't right he it was a secret and Allah, he doesn't put in you but Allah gives you the opportunity.... 

the circumstances to have it if you want to... depending on how choose this is the will of God, his knowledge is unbelievable 

so Allah tested Iblis 

it was test and there were many other plans as well,

to this test at the same time the test for Iblis is also going to be a test for adam(as) is also going to be a test for us

so Allah said to his angels one day:

he said to them, oh my angels, i am about to create...

a creation a being made of clay!!

now the angels had known the jinns  before what they had done...
they shed blood and corrupted on earth...

this earth was here before us as according to the Quran...

and the jinns lived here and they still do and they corrupted and shed blood

so Allah sent the angels down and they actually had a battle

and they forced them out into the islands of the world this is knowledge

which Allah told us about so the angels replied

they said o our lord are you going to create

a creature on earth that will shed blood

again and corrupt again?

 when we glorify your name and your emphasis they're not questioning

but they're asking to seek knowledge they're confused our lord look i mean

you know here we are we're praising you we're glorifying you

the jinns look what they did we don't understand

the reason behind creating another

creation when they're gonna shed blood and corrupt

what are they actually saying they're afraid they're saying in other words 

oh our lord have we done something to you?

are you displeased with us?

because we're glorifying here we are 

but obviously they didn't understand what's happening

god, did not explain it to them explain it because they will not

understand until they see so all he said was this

he said: I know that which you just do no know

you cannot know so Allah created adam (AS)said

Allah subhanahu wa the JIBREEL (AS) to bring soils from different parts of the world

THAT IS WHY .. amongst human beings with the white and the black and he have got the dark and the thin and the light and the fat and then he have got the blonde and he have got the black hair and then he have got the red hair

because Allah created adam(AS) from different parts of the different

souls, from around the world and allah made that to be a sticky, black, dark, mud like a vase a statue an empty hollow statue and because he was empty and hollow and he was like a (salsalen kal fakhaar) so he had that tinkling noise if someone touched him

who is to touch him?

the angels they wanted to check him out,

what is this?

 something new something new in the neighborhood we want to who's this guy

what is he? what is he made of ?

 that's the first time i see a creation like this

what is he?

 so they used to go and touch him

and when they used to touch him and he is to make that tinkling noise....in some narrations are say..

 that the angels to get scared, petrified, they used to run away but

who used to stick around ?


and iblis...he's starting to think here what is so special about this creature which God had created? curiosity!

and at the same time something began to develop in his heart a form of jealousy


here is Iblis among the rank of the angels wanting to please his lord...

loves his lord.. wants to please him.. 

and now something had come up which he had never anticipated...

never thought of and suddenly he feels something

strange coming out 

he could have controlled it but he let consume him.

it was the jealousy jealousy began..

so he went to look at this creature..and he saw it

it didn't look too impressive to him 

and he was able to flow through it because he's created

from a less denser material which is flames of fire

he was able to flow through this body 

and he found (as in the hadith) that we were

hollow if you take and join the blood and everything

we're very hollow actually as time went

Allah left the body of adam(as) like that and every time an Iblis looked at it,he felt fear a bit but at the same time..

he's trying to beat his fear and say 

i'm better than you!!

you're not going to be better than me, do whatever you want!!

Allah left him there until that jealousy developed more and more and now it turned into proudness (arrogance) jealousy turned into

proudness Allah created adam(as) put his soul into him

when Allah blew into adam(as) or breathe into adam(as)

the soul started to come from his head,

from the top to the bottom it didn't go in all at once, 

started from top..his head, his shoulders, his chest, his stomach,

his thighs, his feet it has been narrated;

that when adam(as) first sensed life coming into his eyes...

he was in the Jannah he was in the paradise so now his eyes

started to sight and what was

the first thing that he saw..?

he saw the beauty of the Jannah and the beautiful fruits of the Jannah

Subhan Allah straight away captivated his attention

so what did adam(as) wanted to do..?

before the soul and life had reached his feet...

adam(as)wanted to jump and going get the fruits

so Allah says:

mankind is created out of haste

rush, rush, rush, always wants everything quick, quick, quick

the nature of mankind, natural inclination, the desires

and then life and the soul entered the entire body of adam(as) 

now adam(as) came to life before that it was just a statue and 

now he's a human being he's a living...

one of the first things that Allah did...

is that Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to adam(as) 

bow down to him on the ground, to adam(as)

the Angeles all obeying there's a letter here the letter the word(sajadu)

 which means they prostrated there is letter it says: fa,fa sajadu

fa sajadu means they immediately prostrated, no hesitation 

then Allah says: except for Iblis he didn't prostrate...

then Allah further explains; why ?

he chose to refuse, he actually objected he refused, so it was a

conscious refusal so you don't think that he couldn't, he

could !! but he consciously refused the reason he refused is because..

he allowed himself to be proud, proud as a not happy arrogant

and that resulted in him becoming among the disbelievers he hid the truth (kaffir) literally the word kaffir means to hide the truth deep.. and to cover it up, that's what kaffir means knowing the truth, hiding it, denying it! so kuffir can also mean denial, 

not just disbelieve denial of the truth knowing it

Allah says: what prevented you oh iblis to prostrate..

to one who i have created with my own hands ?!

Allah created him directly what did the Iblis respond?

i am better than him! better than him! 

why? you made me out of fire you made him out of clay...

i am from fire he's for clay!!

Allah then said to him: okay very well are you adamant about your decision?

he said i am adamant

Allah gave him chances!!he continued 

then Allah finally said to him:

i created him and i am the one who commanded you!

you have disobeyed me outright and arrogantly

this is a iblis's reply...

he swore an oath by god's honor and his might!

it means he believes in god he knows god better than most people of today and of the past in fact maybe more than anyone whose existed, except for the prophets.. 

he knows Allah very well

by your might and by your power.. i will lead them all astray

he swears by Allah's honor and might...

acknowledging his might and honor and then he tells him:

what you've done, I'm going to wreck it!

 Allah said okay:

very well since you have done that... 

i will give you some ideas as well because you can go for that challenge... i will challenge you too

he said

climb on top of any one of them that you can

he says: be a good horseman and climb on top of the servants who want to be horses for you and try to dilute them away with your voice

what's Shaytaan's voice? 

and then he said: and try to delude them away by showing them materialism materialistic things, let them be involved in materialistic

things with their cars, homes, clothes, money, and their this and

their desires and associate with them (like be a part) ,be a partner..

with their children, use their children against them

and with their money, use their money against them

and give them false hopes or false promises and also in another verse.. make them afraid, make them afraid of poverty that in the future they're going to get poor so then they will resort to haram

they will resort the theft.. or to haram (indecent earnings) improper earnings make them afraid they're going to get poor!!

they're going to lose out, they're going to be out on the street so go and get haram do that!!

Allah is telling Shaytaan to do that!!

Allah says: but the Shaytaan never promises anyone except deception he does not mean anything he says...

he knows you better than yourself !! and he works step by step

this is what Iblis replied, he said: then oh my lord...

okay the challenge between you and me is there now

but i want something from you, if that's the case...

keep me alive until the day they are resurrected, give me time

Allah says: we will give you time but not what you're asking not until the day of resurrection, you want to escape death, no we will give you time until the end of the world

when the hour goes, you will die with them that's your time!!

then Allah said to him: but wait...i'm going to tell you something: my true servants, you will not have power over them 

that's the only thing

then Iblis replied, he said: okay... i will lead them all astray...

except for your servants among them who are sincere

those are the only types of people my brothers and sisters....

whom Iblis and the devils have absolutely no power over

the ones whose hearts are absolutely sincere there's no hypocrisy in it

repent to Allah when they do wrong they feel regret when they've done wrong they blame themselves and they've gone astray

and they complain to Allah (SWT)......



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